Mittwoch, 22. August 2012

Rengar patch

So, i've just bought this dude, who looks like Warwick. I played him two times. One time top and one time jungle.

Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaand I don't like him. Sure, his double Q is amazing and deals tons of damage. BUT he lacks at gap closing in my opinion. Ye ye you can say "oh he has his ult plus passive" true that. He has. But in the end his movement speed gets overwhelmed by a lot of other champions. E.g. I played as jungle and ganked top early to kill of pantheon. Yet, since there is no range on Q I had to use flash and then wasn't able to follow up afterwards. Thats sad isnt it ? At the very moment im not entirely sure how to play him but im pretty sure, that he is not that op as Diana was. Or still is.

Rengar looks stronger as a jungler FOR NOW. But who knows, time will tell until we see his full potencial. However Im not convinced by him as for now.

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